Finding Book-Ness: ABC at CSU

Once books were simply vehicles, carrying the information they contained. For centuries, they were the most efficient way to traffic in words and pictures. In these digital days they still do that, but they have other functions, too: They are monuments to those ideas, celebrations, commemorations, and elaborations on them. They are a way not just to pass words and […]

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Local and Global in the Galleries at CSU

The Galleries at CSU are pleased to present two significant exhibitions this winter season. Opening on March 9, the exhibition Cleveland’s Symbol: 52 Stories of the Terminal Tower—curated by William Barrow, Special Collections Librarian, the Michael Schwartz Library—will run through April 21. Gallery conversation at 4pm followed by a reception with refreshments from 5 to 8pm. Contemporaneously in the North […]

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Focus on Abstraction: Dana Oldfather, Tony Watkins, Mark Keffer, Margarita Benitez and Markus Vogl at The Galleries of CSU

Soon after the end of the Second World War, Abstract Expressionism blew a hole in art history. The cultural effect was comparable to the Manhattan Project. Abstract Expressionism (AE) effectively transformed Western art, replacing the tattered late-modern remains of aesthetic intention and technique with guiding principles derived in part from psychoanalysis and Freud’s theories of the unconscious. Accidental marks, the […]

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Galleries at CSU: Quest for Visual Splendor

The Galleries at CSU have an exceptionally diverse group of exhibitions planned for this spring: In the North Gallery, 85 year old New York City based, world renowned artist Liz Quisgard presents: The Ornamental Impulse: Form, Pattern, and Color. This exhibition represents a manifestation of a compelling, personal quest for visual splendor spanning several decades. Propitiously for CSU, Liz Quisgard […]

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