Calm before the storm? Nah. We love the butterflies and peaches, and the warm colors on our cover this issue, but above all we love the magnifying glass, because it calls to mind curiosity. For my money, curiosity is the most precious commodity in the art world—the desire for knowledge, for connection, for discovery, for new things. The photo is […]

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The Next Level: Dana Schutz at Transformer Station

Dana Schutz’s solo show of mostly new, mainly huge paintings at Transformer Station, called Eating Atom Bombs, starts off quietly enough. A smaller oil painting hung near the entrance, Bird in Throat shows an androgynous human head with close-cropped hair, rising from a green t-shirt. The shirt has an odd stripe along the neck-hole. A warm yellow glow in the […]

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THE FOREIGNER’S HOME: Oberlin filmmakers Rian Brown and Geoff Pingree’s new documentary on Toni Morrison and the role of artists as chroniclers, curators, and critics of the soul of humanity

The Foreigner’s Home is author and Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison’s meditation on the role of artists as chroniclers, curators and critics of the collective soul of humanity. Cleveland director, producer, editor, animator and filmmaker Rian Brown directed the unusual documentary, a compilation of footage shot by Morrison’s son, Ford Morrison when she stepped in as guest curator of The Foreigner’s […]

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Don’t Be Still: Robert Banks and John W. Carlson Collaborate at HEDGE

A woman screams in the dark, but makes no sound. The contours of her gaping mouth can be seen through the thin white sack fastened over her head. Her dress is as black as the shadows she casts on the riveted steel door behind her. Hands twist into claws, like the oxygen-starved digits of a woman buried alive clawing towards […]

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Observations on what makes for successful careers: Epilogue

In earlier articles in this series, I wrote about art careers from the perspective of what I observed in successful artists. Here, I am more subjective, writing about the art business from my own perspective, from my own intuitions. I am less confident here, because there are many models for a gallery business, and these suggestions and observations apply best […]

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Artist/Artist: Claudio Orso

Orso and Cross met in The Studio, Gallery and Lyceum in downtown Oberlin, where Claudio’s prints and ceramic sculptures are currently on exhibit. RC: In pieces from your time in Wyoming, the direction changes from politics to so much about joy, community and how you love place. We’re all as politically concerned as ever, but what do you think? CO: […]

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CREATIVE FUSION: The City as a Setting – Guillaume Leblon / Paris, France

What follows is excerpted from a phone interview.   Guillaume Leblon’s art defies categorization. Known for working in many different mediums from paintings to film, hand-blown glass, and everything in between, perhaps his most successful medium is working with space itself. The spaces he creates often feel uneasy, unfinished, alienating – once Leblon moved a wall from inside the gallery […]

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CREATIVE FUSION: Site Very Specific Juan Araujo / Caracas, Venezuela

Of all the venues to be used by FRONT International’s Madison resident artists, the Oberlin Weltzheimer/Johnson House is a peculiar one–not only because it is an artwork unto itself, designed by Frank Lloyd-Wright, but also for its physical distance from Cleveland, and perhaps the distintion of character between the city and the small college town. The Venezuelan painter Juan Araujo […]

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CREATIVE FUSION: The Political, Personal Art of Indrė Šerpytytė – Palanga, Lithuania

Indrė Šerpytytė’s Two Seconds of Colour, rectangular painted color fields stacked brick-like in a grid, looks like a work of vibrant minimalism, and that sensibility is only enhanced when the work is presented as a series, as it was last year at the Contemporary Art Centre in Vilnius, Lithuania. It’s pleasing, with a nearly lulling effect. But Šerpytytė, a Lithuanian […]

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CREATIVE FUSION: Brave New World – Lin Ke / Beijing, China

Maybe it’s ironic to present images of Lin Ke’s virtual art in a print magazine. Or maybe printed photos representing works that are made on a laptop and exist on screens or in projections, with the internet experience as their subject matter, are just another layer in the experience of removal from reality. The artist from Beijing, China discussed the […]

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