Support CAN & Subscribe
If you’ve reached this message, you may know already that CAN Journal and CAN are the result of a broad collaboration of art galleries, studios and museums working together to make their own media outlets. Your support for CAN helps to sustain this invaluable piece of infrastructure for the visual arts in Northeast Ohio. Your contributions help us continue publishing this website, and our free weekly e-newsletter, and the multi-award-winning print quarterly CAN Journal.
When you make a gift of $75 or more, we’ll mail CAN Journal to your home for the next year. For a gift of $125 or more, we’ll send you every CAN Journal for the next two years. When you fill out the donation form, be sure to include your mailing address. If you pick up CAN for free in one of the 200+ locations, and therefore you don’t want us to mail the Journal, please let us know.
As the voice of Northeast Ohio galleries, museums, and artists, CAN is an important piece of the region’s arts infrastructure—a resource for artists, galleries, and patrons alike. The Collective Arts Network is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, 501c3 non-profit corporation. Your donations to CAN are fully tax-deductible.
Support this effort by clicking below. Thank you!