The Fifth Element: Charmaine Spencer at the Sculpture Center

Sculptor Charmaine Spencer says she remembers the specific moment when she decided to become an artist: she was sitting under a kiddie slide as a young child, making mud pies. At that time, she thought making art meant painting. So she did that for a while, especially in high school, mostly making abstractions. One of those hangs now in her […]

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The Sculpture Center presents Penrose and Spencer

  The Sculpture Center‘s Fall exhibitions–Lauren Kalman: Flourish, and Stephen Yusko: The Way Things Go–continue through December 17. Exhibitions of works by Charmaine Spencer and Joshua Penrose open January 21, 2022.   LAUREN KALMAN: FLOURISH WITH EXCERPTS FROM DEVICES FOR FILLING A VOID | THROUGH DECEMBER 17 STEPHEN YUSKO: THE WAY THINGS GO | THROUGH DECEMBER 17 JOSHUA PENROSE | […]

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HAF Connects: Sculpting Hats from Plastic Trash

  Cleveland-based artist Ron Shelton puts the worldwide plastic problem front and center in both his own art-making and his practice as a curator / convener. His current exhibit, HAF Connects, is on view now through September 18 at RampArts Gallery, in the 78th Street Studios complex in Cleveland. It’s an exhibit that weaves together multiple threads of ongoing interest […]

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CAN Triennial Artists for Site-Specific Installations Announced

CAN Triennial curators received more than 500 applications for the exhibition and its site-specific installations. At a time when the eyes of the art world are on Cleveland, CAN Triennial is proud to put the spotlight on Cleveland Art. Profound thanks to William Busta, Angelica Pozo, Hilary Gent, and Curlee Raven Holton whose wisdom and range of perspectives have guided […]

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