Katy Richards and Sarah Curry

Exploring Humanness at HEDGE Gallery Katy Richards hasn’t let a global pandemic hold her back from vigorously working in her studio, producing an ongoing series of seductive oil paintings. Her recent series focuses on tightly cropped images of the human figure that are both candid and erotic, celebrating our flesh and all its strangeness, imperfections and beauty, with an objective […]

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Following up with Matthew Gallagher – “Research & Development” is Now on View at HEDGE Gallery

Back in late March, I had the great pleasure of speaking with artist Matthew Gallagher, whose planned show at HEDGE Gallery was put on hold (“Show Postponed, Artist Matthew Gallagher Grapples with the Impact of COVID-19“). At that time the future was very uncertain, as every arts institution in North-East Ohio began shutting their doors, cancelling programs, and quarantine began. I […]

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As local art galleries began shutting their doors due to the pandemic, planned exhibitions slowly started to be cancelled or postponed for the foreseeable future. Working artists, whose entire livelihood could be tied to one significant show, watched aghast and with little recourse as Ohio’s stay-at-home orders were extended. As the summer issue of CAN went to press, the summer […]

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Zygote Press Faces COVID-19: “Creating is Medicine”

When artist Kill Joy arrived in Cleveland from Mexico City in February for her two-month residency, it was snowing. To cope with the frigid weather, the first works she started carving at Zygote were images of the hottest natural substance on Earth: lava from volcanic eruptions. The series, featuring volcano sites she has visited, takes on quite a different meaning […]

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Arts Resources for COVID-19 Hardship

The region’s foundations and advocacy organizations are offering support and gathering information about what they can do to help those impacted in the arts. Some of them are listed below, where you can also find resources at the county, state, and national level for COVID-19 assistance. And be sure to consult the lengthy COVID-19 guide compiled by Arts Cleveland, an […]

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NEOhio Arts Response to COVID-19

Governor Dewine has extended the STAY AT HOME ORDER for the State of Ohio: All persons in the State of Ohio are to stay at home or their place of residence unless they are engaged in Essential Activities, Essential Governmental Functions, or to operate Essential Businesses and Operations, until 11:59 p.m. on May 1, 2020. Included in the document is […]

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The painting of portraits has a long and storied history. For hundreds of years, artists have sought to capture likenesses on canvas. In a post-postmodern world, portraiture still has a role to play, but what is it exactly? In a world of selfie sticks and Instagram filters, people still seek out traditional painted portraits, but the status of these paintings […]

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Max Markwald’s Stunningly Intimate Paintings on View at BAYarts

Back in September of 2018, Markwald legally changed his name to Max, and began painting large self-portraits documenting his gender transition. The tall vertical canvases are identical in size, impressively painted, and are all titled simply for the month they were created. Several of them are currently on view at BAYarts, in a new show titled “Skin” (until March 6), […]

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The Art of George Kocar Featured in New Book

Cleveland-based artist George Kocar has an unmistakable style. His whimsical, colorful, and at times bitingly sarcastic paintings can be spotted across a room – and they have always delighted me. In particular, one of the things I like most about Kocar’s work is how dark his paintings can be, while still maintaining their bright shiny palette and whimsy. It’s a […]

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Time Travel with David King

David King’s new paintings are like fiery dreams. Hot with neon color, memories fade, some crumble into dust, others linger. Looking at this body of work is a bit like time travel, but feels like you’ve accidentally stumbled into someone else’s history, like an uninvited guest at a family reunion. King won ArtNEO’s “Cleveland Creates” competition, a juried exhibition of […]

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