New Collaborations at BAYarts

Carlson and Utter:  Between Presence and Projection   John W. Carlson and Douglas Max Utter will be exhibiting together in the Sullivan Family Gallery at Bay Arts, openingJanuary 6, 2017!  Longtime friends with different styles and points of view, Carlson and Utter each possess a unique way of handling provocative subject matters using traditional and non-traditional materials.  Carlson combines oils, alkaloids, […]

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BAYarts: Celebrating 10 Years

  This year BAYarts commemorates ten years of art programming and community engagement with special events showcasing some of the highlights of the past decade.   In addition to art education and cultural events,  under the discerning eyes of BAYarts directors and countless guest curators BAYarts gallery exhibitions have featured hundreds of artists from across northeast Ohio.  Two accessible galleries, […]

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BAYarts Galleries: Memories Deconstructed

    Denise Stewart and Pat Pitingolo: T42, 24T Using stained tea fiber and remnants of deconstructed tea bags, blurring the line between textile and fine art. Sullivan Family Gallery. Eliza Wing: Memory Serves Oil paintings and 3-D box constructions based on lifelong sojourns to on Monhegan Island; a haven and inspiration for artists since the early 1900s. Dianne Boldman […]

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The Most Important Collaboration of All

Talking about the upcoming tax renewal in CAN Journal is preaching to the choir, I get it. And I’m guessing this won’t be the only article in this issue that addresses the levy. From early counts, it seems promising that the levy will be renewed, but in the wise words of someone in the know, we can’t take anything for […]

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Destination West: from Instagram to Advocacy

In “Squared Up,” curator Christopher Gray explores the current Instagram movement as an art form. Using mobile phones to create stark interpretations of common snapshot images, this exhibition takes photography beyond that which hangs on the wall to a place where it can engage a community of photographers around a common theme. In The Dianne Boldman Gallery. July 10 through […]

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Northern Ohio Illustrators Society at BAYarts

  What’s more fun than a group of illustrators meeting for an evening of drawing and a few local brews? Can’t think of much, except for seeing the fruits of this seriously creative group’s labors in one exhibition: “The Best of NOIS” will be in BAYarts Sullivan Gallery through April 3. Comprised of illustrators, fine artists, designers, students and instructors, […]

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BAYarts Focus on John W. Carlson

“In all my work I search for the core, that center of the thing, the emotional DNA if you will. That thing which we respond to individually but are ultimately all connected by.”   Award-winning artist John W. Carlson credits the inspiration of artists such as Egon Schiele, Franz Kline, Edward Hopper and Lucien Freud, which led to developing his unique and recognizable style: a balance between expressive […]

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