Around & Through Digital Tech: Untouched at Heights Arts

  The earliest exhibitions of digital art took place in Stuttgart, Germany and New York City back in the first half of 1965, yet today’s debates over how (or if) “digital” and “art” ought to mix too often lack maturity to match their advancing age. In the ‘60s the New York Times feared that “almost any kind of painting can […]

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Focus on Abstraction: Dana Oldfather, Tony Watkins, Mark Keffer, Margarita Benitez and Markus Vogl at The Galleries of CSU

Soon after the end of the Second World War, Abstract Expressionism blew a hole in art history. The cultural effect was comparable to the Manhattan Project. Abstract Expressionism (AE) effectively transformed Western art, replacing the tattered late-modern remains of aesthetic intention and technique with guiding principles derived in part from psychoanalysis and Freud’s theories of the unconscious. Accidental marks, the […]

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