Creative Fusion: Metrohealth, Signs of the Times

As mayoral and congressional elections approach in Cleveland, yard signs promoting the candidates have already begun to proliferate. This year, the candidates have some strong visual competition from artists chosen for MetroHealth’s Signs of the Times project, sponsored by the Cleveland Foundation through its Creative Fusion program. In styles as diverse as the community, the artists’ signs call the community […]

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Fusión Creativa: Memorias del Futuro, con Ana Quiroz

Tr. Damaris Punales Alpizar   Era un miércoles de julio. Ana Quiroz estaba en su segunda semana de trabajo con estudiantes de la Academia para Recién Llegados Thomas Jefferson. El salón estaba repleto con las voces de los casi 25 chicos de escuela secundaria; la mayoría de ellos hablaban en español, aunque otras lenguas podían también escucharse. Quiroz les pidió […]

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Creative Fusion: Connecting Memories to Futures with Art House and Ana Quiroz

On a Wednesday in July, Anna Quiroz was in her second week with students of Thomas Jefferson Newcomers Academy. The room was filled with the chatter of about 25 middle schoolers, mostly speaking Spanish, but several other languages too. Quiroz had them working on memory atlases, collaging their own drawings with paper mache casts made on plasticine forms, and other […]

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Resultados del programa Fusión Creativa: El Centro Pivote para las Artes será inaugurado pronto en el vecindario de Clark-Fulton

Varias organizaciones artísticas que han participado en el programa Fusión Creativa (Creative Fusion) de la Fundación Cleveland, se encuentran entre los inquilinos del edificio ahora conocido como El Centro Pivote para las Artes (The Pivot Center for Arts, Dance and Expression), en West 25th Street, entre las avenidas Seymour y Castle. La doble inversión de dinero y energía creativa que […]

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Creative Fusion Outcomes: Pivot Center for the Arts Opening Soon in Clark-Fulton Neighborhood

It is only a coincidence that several arts organizations that have participated in the Cleveland Foundation’s Creative Fusion program are among the tenants of the building now known as The Pivot Center for Arts, Dance and Expression—on West 25th Street, between Seymour and Castle Avenues. However, the dual investments of money and creative energy that the artist residency program represented […]

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Voltear la página: El arte para la comunidad ayuda a Kubra Al Hilali a construir una nueva vida en Cleveland

La artista Kubra Al Hilali se convirtió en ciudadana estadounidense en 2017. Está feliz de vivir en Parma con su familia y ve la oportunidad de participar en una residencia artística como la forma de retribuir a la comunidad que la recibió. La residencia, patrocinada por la organización de servicios sociales Building Hope in the City, como parte del programa […]

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Flipping the Paper: Making art for her community helps Kubra Alhilali build a new life in Cleveland

  Artist Kubra Alhilali became a US citizen in 2017. She is happy to be living in Parma with her family, and sees an artist residency as a way to give back to the community that welcomed her. The residency is hosted by the social service organization Building Hope in the City, as part of the Cleveland Foundation’s Creative Fusion program. […]

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Creative Fusion Outcomes: Reconnecting in Cleveland: Cheikhou Ba at Framed Gallery

Cheikhou Ba came to Cleveland from Dakar, Senegal, as part of the Creative Fusion cohort in Fall 2013. Hosted by Zygote Press, he worked with students in the Sisterhood after-school arts program at the West Side Community House, with Cleveland-based artist April Bleakney. To create an exhibit opportunity, Zygote connected with Waterloo Arts, which presented Cheikhou’s work in their Waterloo […]

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Creative Fusion: LatinUS Theater Company Opens Its Own Space with The House of Bernarda Alba

For the first time, Ohio will have a theater with its own space dedicated to promoting and representing works by Latin American authors, or those related to the Latin world in the United States. It is the Blackbox Theater, located in the Astrup building—now known as The Pivot Center for Arts, Dance and Expression—on West 25th Street, between Seymour and […]

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Creative Fusion: Julia de Burgos Celebrates LatinX Diversity Through Couture

Clothing and fashion are expressions of culture. That’s visible in the traditional clothing of any place, but also in couture. The Julia de Burgos Cultural Center embraces that idea, and with support from the Cleveland Foundation through its Creative Fusion program, has commissioned a collection of fashion looks celebrating 21 countries and islands of Latin America. Due to the COVID-19 […]

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