Art House: Fall Recap, Winter Fresh

  Summer at Art House: Creative Fusion artist Ana Quiroz worked with Thomas Jefferson International students and the Gum-Dip Theater group to create Memory Atlases. She presented at the Sister Cities Global Conference. Hector Castellanos Lara resumed his Gateway monument project in late fall. September: Art House began a year of NEA Big Read programming in schools, libraries, and other […]

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Creative Fusion: Connecting Memories to Futures with Art House and Ana Quiroz

On a Wednesday in July, Anna Quiroz was in her second week with students of Thomas Jefferson Newcomers Academy. The room was filled with the chatter of about 25 middle schoolers, mostly speaking Spanish, but several other languages too. Quiroz had them working on memory atlases, collaging their own drawings with paper mache casts made on plasticine forms, and other […]

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Lots to Share, Plus Nuts and Bolts

Thanks to a very unexpected and amazing gift from the George Gund Foundation, Art House has been able to replace the HVAC system, a much-needed upgrade. This award will also help Art House make progress towards our campus vision and work with other neighborhood organizations to find ways to better support each other. In late May, we’re launching our first […]

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A Shout-out from Art House to Volunteers

Many words have been used to describe 2020: unprecedented, challenging, tough, exhausting, uncertain, disorienting, depressing, stressful—the list goes on, but I want to use the rest of my allotted word count to talk about something else. Unsolicited, volunteers contacted Art House offering to help in any way that they could. Some were strangers or former interns: others, our teaching artists. […]

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2020: The Year COVID Drove Evolution

The novel coronavirus was not only devastating to the art world in 2020: COVID drove evolution, as well. Some strategies artists and organizations invented or embraced were not only innovative in the moment, but are likely to endure in 2021 and beyond. Here are a few innovations, adaptations, and repackaging efforts that got our attention in this terrible, horrible, no […]

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In-Person Exhibits at Art House

Although most of our programming remains virtual, creative energy continues to thrive under Art House’s domed roof. Once doors began to reopen in May, several retired or semi-retired seniors started taking advantage of our clay studio facilities. Having had productive earlier careers, they are now devoting themselves to further honing their ceramic skills, taking risks, and exploring new ideas. Recently, […]

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That we are still in this place after so long and so much work has been done to dismantle the racial and social inequities that are too deeply embedded in the fabric of our country is unconscionable—it is painful, tragic, inexcusable. The knowledge that it is based on power, economy, and divisive strategies set to disempower targeted groups only serves […]

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The day we knew that schools would close, the first thing we started talking about was how to keep arts-learning going, and what were other ways that Art House could continue to be a resource for the community. As a result, artists and staff have begun to create video art lessons and to reconnect with students and workshop participants. We […]

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Chain Reactions

A dynamic chemistry always results when artists develop curriculum that addresses VOS/SEL standards through thoughtful projects and challenging ideas. Combine this with student responses, their engagement and growth, and powerful reactions occur. This past fall, Ron Shelton combined education about the global ramifications of plastics with hat and jacket-making projects. Denison Elementary third graders learned how to work with wire […]

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