Collective Arts Network: Laura Ruiz Montes / Ediciones Vigia (Matanzas, Cuba) & Damaris Punales Alpizar (Cleveland)

El mismo articulo aparece abajo en traduccion Espanol. Books Endure as Three-Dimensional, Mixed-Media Sculpture I often wonder about the future of books. I do not worry about the content. Humans are not going to stop letting their imaginations run wild, telling stories, recounting history or pondering philosophical and social facts. But inevitably, in time, technology will change the way we […]

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Finding America in the arts and culture of Cuba

Cuba is not on the list of countries from which the current US administration has banned travel. However the relationship between the island nation and the US is dominated by our partisan politics. And there are whole lot of people with families, jobs, and other professional relationships on both sides of that border who even now are awaiting news about […]

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