Awaken in the Garden, My Love: Davon Brantley at the Massillon Museum

In his solo exhibition at the Massillon Museum, Awaken in the Garden My Love, Davon Brantley extends us an invitation to step into the darkest corners of the mind. Through vulnerable subject matter, we witness as the artist battles his innermost thoughts. Brantley utilizes self-portraiture and psychology to unleash the ugliest parts of human nature, connecting them to the seven […]

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Where We Overlap, at moCa

Where We Overlap, on view in the Lewis Gallery at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Cleveland (moCa), is a shining example of the age old adage “We are more similar than we are different.”   Curator Davon Brantley paired several artists with seemingly different styles and approaches, so that they could learn from each other and collaborate on works of art […]

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Building Momentum at Deep Dive

  Summer is a time for swimming holes: the chaotic community pool, the cool still pond, the turbulent, but mesmerizing surf of our own Lake Erie. Currently, life at Deep Dive Art Projects is feeling like one of those endless pools with a strong jet that one swims against to develop more body strength. Starting a new business and trying […]

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