Coventry PEACE Campus Faces Shaky Future: New Short-Term Leases Threaten Artist Community In Cleveland Heights

A group of artists and administrators stepped up to the microphone at Cleveland Heights City Council Monday night to plead the case for the Coventry PEACE Campus, a community hub in danger of closing because of a change in lease terms. Three members of the board of Cleveland Heights-University Heights Libraries also spoke. CPC and Heights Libraries, its landlord, have […]

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Showdown at Coventry: PEACE Campus in jeopardy

Deanna Bremer Fisher–head of the board of the Coventry PEACE Campus in Cleveland Heights, and also executive director of the nonprofit advocacy organization for the city, Future Heights–hopes to temper, perhaps even resolve, a dispute between that arts-and-culture organization and Heights Libraries, the system that continues to serve as landlord to CPC, perhaps against its will. Bremer Fisher will make […]

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