Ronayne’s Nominations for CAC Board

For more than a year, artists have complained that Cuyahoga Arts and Culture –the entity that administers the cigarette tax for the arts–did not meet the requirement that at least two of its members “devote a major portion of their time to practicing, performing or teaching any of the arts, or […] are professional administrators in any field of the […]

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CAC Board: Fresh Air Coming

Cuyahoga Arts and Culture’s Board of Directors meets at 3:30 Wednesday, December 13 in the Louis Stokes Wing of Cleveland Public Library, and if you care about the arts or if you like reality television, you should go. The Board’s public behavior has been an embarrassment to the sector for all of 2023. The good news is that the terms […]

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CAC: A Voice for Individual Artists?

To be polite and understated, Cuyahoga Arts and Culture has a lot going on right now. The organization that administers public funding for the arts is facing criticism from artists over the way it has handled individual artist grants in recent years, and a discrepancy between amounts budgeted for individual artist grants and the amounts actually spent.  In discussion of […]

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UPDATED: CAC’s Re-tooled Support for Individual Artists

Nearly two years after the sunset of Cuyahoga Arts and Culture’s Creative Workforce Fellowship program, a new version has been birthed.  Its creation follows the instigative energy of public discord resulting from a change in the status of the program (formerly administered by Arts Cleveland / Community Partnership for the Arts and Culture), which awarded $15 and $20 thousand-dollar unrestricted […]

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CAC and Individual Artist Grants: What Would Be Fair

“If you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism) – what it is, and how it works – everything else that you understand, will only confuse you.” –Neely Fuller Jr. I have found myself in the middle of what I would call an all-out war against people of color in Cuyahoga County. I have been learning the city’s history on racism. […]

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Individual Artist Grants, Race, and Public Benefit

Cuyahoga Arts and Culture’s abrupt termination of its Creative Workforce Fellowship last fall, and its plan to substitute it with a different program providing greater “public benefit,” have elicited a range of passionate responses from members of Cleveland’s arts community and others. While some outsiders see this as unfortunate bickering, it has opened a window on a much larger issue. […]

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Individual Artists and Equitable Grant Making: Divided We Fall

Wednesday morning—a few hours before about 60 artists would gather at the Happy Dog’s Euclid Tavern location to talk about Cuyahoga Arts and Culture’s individual artist grants–Zygote Press director Liz Maugans asked me what was my greatest concern about the controversy at hand. For those who have not been following, the controversy is over a proposed new direction for CAC’s […]

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CAC to Individual Artists: Money in the Budget, No Program to Administer It

After two hours of public comment–which included impassioned statements from leaders of the arts policy community, as well as more than three-dozen artists and administrators–the Board of Cuyahoga Arts and Culture met Monday and listened as its staff outlined six elements they believe should be a part of the tax-funded agency’s individual artist grant program in the future. Among the […]

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NAS Withdraws, CAC Individual Artist Grant Program In Limbo

In a surprising arts funding turn, the Washington DC-based National Arts Strategies, which Cuyahoga Arts and Culture had proposed to run its individual artist program, has withdrawn its proposal for that program. Cuyahoga Arts and Culture made the announcement Tuesday. From a prepared statement on CAC’s website. “In the last few days, National Arts Strategies, a potential partner for delivering fellowship support to Cuyahoga […]

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Cuyahoga Arts and Culture, and Individual Artists: Making Change

  Once in a while, it’s not a cliché, but simply accurate to say a proposal raises more questions than it offers answers. At its Board meeting Monday, Cuyahoga Arts and Culture rolled out a proposal for a new individual artist grant program, and that was certainly the case. The new program would replace what’s been known as the Creative […]

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