Kaiser Gallery Welcomes New Exhibits Featuring Cleveland Natives

Kaiser Gallery is proud to announce new exhibits featuring Cleveland natives running this fall. First, Borderlands is on view at Kaiser Gallery, opening September 9 during Walkabout Tremont and running to October 2. It is an exhibition exploring themes of the vast unknown, guest curated by Karen Petkovic of BAYarts. Petkovic is an avid believer in collaboration who actively connects […]

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Works of Jonah Jacobs at Kaiser Gallery

Kaiser Gallery is proud to announce that Jonah Jacobs has been selected for the 2022 solo show award. Born in Denmark, Jacobs has spent most of his life in the US, and he currently lives and works in Cleveland. He is a graduate of Antioch College and an Army veteran who served in South Korea and in the 82nd Airborne […]

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Kaiser Gallery’s Upcoming Exhibitions: Coveted, Domestic Lands, and Sugar (Chapter II)

Kaiser Gallery’s latest exhibition, Coveted (February 13-April 3) features a range of artists whose perspectives on relationships, love, and desires are not easily accessible in mainstream culture, while representations of the male gaze can be found in abundance. Featured works are by Stefani Byrd (Fayetteville, AR), Dani Clauson (Portland, OR), Rebecca Poarch (Long Island, NY), Leiyana Gonzales (Cleveland, OH), Sydney […]

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