MORE THAN A BORDER OF FLOWERS In April, William Busta brought to the CAN office a yellowed, newsprint tabloid we had never seen before. The Guide to Cleveland Art Week was published September 19, 1980. The occasion was a week-long celebration of art coordinated by NOVA—the New Organization for the Visual Arts—in cooperation with the Cleveland Press. The Guide offered […]

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“Things that are in the news right now”: Painter Jen Omaitz explores natural disaster through assemblage

“I always like to say I am a painter,” says Jen Omaitz, standing in her kitchen. She lives in Kent with her husband Steve Collier, and two large dogs—an Akita and an Alaskan Malamute—in a house surrounded by oaks and pines. Inside, there’s plenty of evidence of that medium: in addition to works by several other Northeast Ohio artists, the […]

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OUTCOMES Creative Fusion + Rainey Institute = Brain Gain

The Rainey Institute’s roots are in providing service to immigrant families. The organization was founded in 1904 as a settlement house, providing services to eastern European immigrants who were making new homes in Cleveland, and dealing with the associated challenges of new culture, language, and economic conditions. These days Rainey serves Cleveland families in neighborhoods surrounding its home, near East […]

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The Cleveland Foundation Presents CREATIVE FUSION Artists and Residential Developments

An artist’s residency, if it is defined by a finite (and, face it, usually short) period of time, can only have lasting impact if the community is engaged, and if relationships are formed, and if both the artist and the host community learn something in the process. Since last fall, we’ve been following the Madison Residents—a group of national, international, […]

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CREATIVE FUSION: Verb Ballets: Laura Alonso (Havana), Diane McIntyre & Richard Dickinson (Cleveland)

El mismo articulo aparece abajo en traduccion Espanol. Laura Alonso rules the studios of Pro Danza Center with relentless attention to detail. The acclaimed choreographer is the daughter of Cuban dance legends Alicia and Fernando Alonso, whose company—closely allied with the Castro regime- became the Ballet Nacional de Cuba. Even giving a tour to Verb Ballets leadership and the rest […]

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Maybe no two words have more in common while meaning completely different things than “art” and “design.”  Artists and designers share many of the same technical skills. Both are likely adept at using color, drawing, manipulating materials, and maybe even using a sharp knife.  Trained artists and designers may take many of the same classes to learn their trade, and […]

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In the Eyes of Prosperity

“In the eyes of posterity, the success of the United States as a civilized society will be largely judged by the creative activities of its citizens in art, architecture, literature, music …” This was a statement of the President’s Commission on National Goals, established by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1960. The Commission’s work eventually led to the creation of the […]

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An Engraved Invitation: Wood Engravers Network comes to Cleveland

  For more than two years, Eric Gulliver has been talking up Cleveland as a site for the Wood Engravers Network’s annual national conference. The letterpress artist, wood engraver, and engineer met WEN founder, Jim Horton, in 2013, when the conference was held in Asheville, North Carolina. This summer the lobbying pays off. After last year’s gathering in Oxford, England, […]

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Changing of the Guardians: new leadership at ARTneo, Artists Archives, and the Cleveland Arts Prize

      Three Cleveland nonprofit organizations are mission-driven to recognize, preserve, and collect the art of Northeast Ohio. They are not the city’s biggest institutions, but three relatively small ones, with staffs of one or two people: ARTneo, the Artists Archives of the Western Reserve, and the Cleveland Arts Prize. They are completely separate organizations, but taken together, their […]

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Favorable Exchange Rates

Dresden, Germany and Cleveland, Ohio have been swapping artists annually for 19 years. Looking out from the top of the tower above the Grafikwerkstatt in Dresden, Germany, you can see where the Allied bombs fell toward the end of World War II. A line of boxy architecture from the 50s and 60s runs south from the Elbe river through the […]

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