Water Color Painting Class with Jesse Rhinehart

So now that the sleigh bells have been returned to the attic and the empty champagne bottles to the trash, its time start on your resolution of reawakening your creative energies. What better way than to start watercolor painting, (again). I offer two separate Water Color classes at my studio: 1-3:30 pm on Wednesdays or Thursdays.The Wednesday class is designed […]

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Watercolor, with Jesse Rinehart

“When the gales of November” come early and the long winter months are upon us, ’tis the time to reawaken your creative desires and return to a time when art class meant creating just for the joy of it. I am offering two separate Watercolor classes at my studio from 1 to 3:30 pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Wednesday’s class […]

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