New Blood: Cleveland Institute of Art Announces New Faculty Appointments in Ceramics, Illustration, Painting, and Liberal Arts

A ceramicist who is also an industrial designer, an illustrator who loves character development, a writer with a sci-fi bent, and a painter represented by a New York gallery have all been appointed to faculty positions at Cleveland Institute of Art. The new appointees promise to add additional depth to CIA’s “already strong and dedicated faculty,” said Christopher Whittey, vice […]

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Ground-Breaking Exhibition Showcases Incredible Versatility of Handmade Paper

Thirteen contemporary North American artists inspired by centuries-old Eastern papermaking traditions display their cutting-edge work in an inaugural exhibition celebrating the Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory and Educational Foundation’s new Eastern Paper Studio. Revive and Renew: Contemporary Artists & Eastern Papers will be presented from August 1 through September 20. The exhibit brings together visionary artists from thousands of miles […]

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CIA students add creativity to art awareness project: Fluxus teaches students they have a role as arts advocates.

“Fluxus: a loose international group of artists, poets, and musicians whose only shared impulse was to integrate life into art through the use of found events, sounds, and materials, thereby bringing about social and economic change in the art world.”—Encyclopedia Britannica A surprise gift is arriving in the mailboxes of thought leaders throughout Ohio. Engaging, visually arresting, tactile, and full […]

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