Celebrating 50 Years of Making Art with Meaning


At Art Therapy Thursdays students will explore different techniques and styles. Credentialed Art Therapists will instruct students on making art while using the creative process for self expression and coping. Pictured are examples of Matisse-inspired pieces, which will be covered in one of the monthly Art Therapy Thursday classes.


We are excited to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Art Therapy Studio throughout 2017. Since being founded in 1967 we have transformed from a single, medically-focused art studio at MetroHealth into an ever-growing organization serving clients with a variety of physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges across Cuyahoga County and beyond. Our partnerships with hospitals, mental health and addiction recovery centers, senior centers, schools, shelters, correctional facilities, and more allow us to reach clients of many backgrounds, building on their strengths to improve the quality of their lives.

We hope you’ll celebrate our fiftieth anniversary with us! This year is full of events in our studios and in the community, including our fiftieth anniversary fundraiser in September. Look for more details to come on this fun and exciting event! Visit www.arttherapystudio.org for updates.

Introducing Art Therapy Thursdays with SPACES

In partnership with SPACES we are now offering community art therapy workshops, Art Therapy Thursdays, at the gallery’s Detroit Avenue location (2900 Detroit Ave). These new community workshops are unique as they allow students to attend individual sessions rather than signing up for a quarterly group, while discovering for themselves the benefits of art as a therapeutic outlet.

Each session will focus on a different medium or style and will be led by one of our credentialed art therapists. This is a great way for the community to learn more about art therapy, explore new art media and learn ways to use art for self expression and coping.

Classes will be held on the first Thursday of every month in 2017 for the low fee of $5 to cover materials. Please call the Art Therapy Studio to register.


New Teen Art Workshops

This winter we started offering the Express Yourself Teen Art Workshop, an art therapy group dedicated to teens. As a continued partnership with Cleveland Public Library, we are bringing the community more opportunities to explore further use of art as a therapeutic activity. The current teen group ends in early March, but additional groups will be offered at varying locations throughout the year.

The first quarterly session which began in January is being celebrated with an art show on March 9 at the Main Library. Please check our website for details on the art show and future teen groups.





Art Therapy Studio

12200 Fairhill Road

Cleveland, Ohio 44120


Art Therapy Thursdays – Held 6 – 7:30 pm on the first Thursday of every month, February 2 – December 7, 2017 at SPACES