Tremont Art Walk begins 23rd Year


The Tremont ArtWalk begins it’s 23rd year this February 2015, and artist owned and operated galleries have been a mainstay since the beginning.


Hartshorn Studios

Rob Hartshorn opened his gallery, Hartshorn Studios in the heart of Tremont 8 years ago with the intention of creating a space in which to both make and exhibit work, joined by established and emerging artists at the corner of College and Professor.


Tremont has been just the right environment for Rob and the sculptors, painters, and photographers of Hartshorn Studios. Here, the studio is in the midst of other artists committed to supporting one another by nourishing ideas and enabling the energy to produce great work. On any given day at the studio, you will find artists, friends, local folks, appreciators and collectors critiquing, collaborating, sharing, and creating. December-February brings a number of new collections to the walls of the gallery including: an underwater still life series, several new industrial panoramic photographs, and varied explorations in acrylic abstract paintings. Looking for a meaningful holiday gift? We have artworks of all sizes! Or, get a Hartshorn Studios gift certificate for a commissioned painting and let the giftee decide! 


Hartshorn Studios is at 2342 Professor Avenue, Cleveland, OH. Call 216.403.2734, or email


Mastroianni Photography

In December, Mastroianni Photography and Arts presents an exhibition of portraits created by Steven Mastroianni with traditional silver halide black & white film. The portraits are part of an ongoing series of mostly large scale images created with the view camera, portions of which were seen in 2013’s series “Girls on Film”. While digital imaging has eclipsed film in the professional photographic world, including his own professional work, Mastroianni still maintains an old fashioned dark room, as well as film cameras, for use in creating these shimmering, contemplative photographs.


The film process isn’t about nostalgia or style, it’s about the physical and chemical quality of the materials, and the time it takes to create the images with the cameras. Sitting for a large format camera is a different process than grabbing a quick snapshot.


The camera is fixed to a tripod, the focus is critical, the exposure is made manually, the film is carefully loaded, and often the subject needs to sit still for many seconds, even minutes, at a time. That process alone can create a more contemplative, thoughtful, and concentrated portrait. The photochemical image reveals the direct result of light sensitive silver reacting to the reflected and refracted light from the subject. The process continues in the darkroom, where the exposed negative is projected again onto more light sensitive silver, to reveal a rich, black and white positive image made up of rich silver on paper.


The subjects are family and friends who have graciously invested time to sit for the portraits.   The portraits reflect that commitment to the process, hopefully portraying something sympathetic and engaging about the person.


Faces in Silver will be exhibited this winter at Mastroianni Photography and Arts. More information can be found at




8×10 negative, 20×24 silver gelatin print



Tremont Art Walk