Welcome to CAN Blog

Maybe you remember the surveys that told us we should do this. Maybe you don’t, but you’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Maybe you even told us personally, as several of you did: CAN should review art shows.

We heard you. And we have been thinking the same thing, for a long time. So at long last, here it is: CAN Blog. With support from the Ohio Arts Council, an ongoing dialog featuring Northeast Ohio writers and art professionals offering timely perspective on exhibits: CAN Blog.

And that, frankly, is what interests us: Perspective. We want to know how people relate to current exhibits, and how they relate those exhibits to culture at large, to their own lives, to the evolution of art.

We’re absolutely grateful to all the people who have helped to make this happen—the members of CAN, who sustain us by keeping you informed with their stories both in print and online; the Ohio Arts Council, who makes this newest feature possible; and to the survey takers and all the people who told us the art audience needs not only to know what’s going on, but what people think about it.

You can find CAN Blog in the navigation bar at CANjournal.org any time, and of course we invite you to share what you read. We will share it with you every week through the CAN e-newsletter. But the updates will come more than weekly. We’ve assembled a team of writers who are deeply knowledgeable about the Nortehast Ohio art scene. They’ll offer not only in-depth reviews, but also short observations and news reports not only of upcoming shows, but about what’s going on behind the scenes.

So welcome to CAN Blog. We’ll see you at the shows.

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