Worthington Yards presents The Destruction of Species

Adrienne Slane, Twins.
The Destruction of Species
Works by Adrienne Slane and Martinez E-B
Featuring the film Death of the Moth by Rian Brown-Orso
Reception 6–9pm Thursday, March 29. Show runs through May 26.
2017 was a year deeply rooted in the destruction of our institutions, policies, and political process. It was tough for most everyone. We took a hit in our healthcare, national parks, and arts programs. How do we struggle towards renewal? Can artists provide the perspective and wisdom needed to recover?
The Japanese have a method of repairing broken ceramics with gold called kintsugi. Kintsugi is when the cracks, the fissures, and the damage, are all a part of the object’s history and are kept visible. It’s the art of embracing damage while making something else altogether compelling, reassessed, and possibly even more remarkable then before, in spite of its flawed past.
Adrienne Slane, MARTINEZ E-B, and Rian Brown shed light on these cracks. Their exquisite and beautiful works of contemporary art repair and recalculate the past. They refuse to downplay or ignore the violent and desperate annihilation of our histories. Destruction of Species is a transformative experience that illuminates a thoughtful and contemplative pause, long enough for us to see what has been and what could be again.
ART BAR: Designer Night
On Thursday, April 26 from 6 to 8pm, meet the most innovative and exciting designers working in Cleveland. Running concurrent with Harris Stanton Gallery, the evening will include drinks and light apps.
Nolan Beck • heyheystudio.com
Jamal Collins • jayworking.com
Kevin “Mr. Soul” Harp • mistersoul216.com
Jacinda Walker • designexplorr.com
Jordan Wong • wongface.com
Hannah Manocchio & Anthony Zart • snakesandaceys.com
On Saturday, April 14 from 10am to noon, meet at Worthington YARDS for bagels and coffee and head to filmmaker Rian Brown-Orso and print-based artist, Claudio Orso’s house for a studio visit.
If interested in a tour of the Dalad Collection, the YARDS Projects Exhibition, sales of artist work or arranging an artist studio visit, please contact Liz Maugans, director of YARDS Projects, to make an appointment.
YARDS Project Space
725 Johnson Court
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
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