The Most Important Collaboration of All
Talking about the upcoming tax renewal in CAN Journal is preaching to the choir, I get it. And I’m guessing this won’t be the only article in this issue that addresses the levy. From early counts, it seems promising that the levy will be renewed, but in the wise words of someone in the know, we can’t take anything for granted and should assume nothing.
It’s a no-brainer for those of us who benefit from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture Funding (CAC): we know that the collective passion that has lit this town on fire culturally, economically and socially began with CAC funding fueling it. Least we forget, only a few years ago, there may have been a smattering of cultural events to chose from each month in contrast with today when our “good problem” is how to choose from the many possibilities on pretty much any given day: which neighborhood festival, gallery opening, performance or workshop to attend, and while we’re there, which restaurant or business to patronize? It is the very reason this magazine came about: traditional media could no longer support coverage of this expansive slate of offerings. And if you haven’t noticed, this rag gets thicker and thicker with each issue.
This levy is not just about the arts. It’s about how the arts rejuvenate neighborhoods, create jobs, influence tourism and (let’s face it) what makes this fun-loving town so awesome. The most important collaboration of all? If you are reading this journal you already play a part: so pass it on, make some (friendly) noise to your legislators, stay informed and keep the conversation going. Cleveland has been a subject in countless top ten lists nationally because we’re making a difference in our own backyards.
Moondance: BAYarts honors Liz Maugans Sept 12
Please join us at BAYarts Moondance benefit when we honor Liz, greater Cleveland’s great connector: advocate for artists; founder of Zygote Press and the CAN Journal, winner of countless awards and so much more. Details and tickets:
Outside the Classroom: BAYarts Faculty Exhibition: Sept. 4 – Oct. 3. Opening Reception 7 – 9 pm Friday, Sept 4
A Tribute to Bob Moyer: Sept. 18- Oct. 10. Opening Reception 7-9 pm Friday, Sept 18
Triple Lindy: Rev. Jim Giar, Randy Crider, Ryan Finley: 3 Titans of Cartooning and Nerd Culture: Oct. 9 – 28. Opening Reception 7-9 pm Friday, Oct 9
Jen Craun: Of the Earth: Oct. 16-Nov. 8 in The Sullivan Family Gallery. Opening Reception 7-9 pm Friday, Oct 16
Call for artists:
BAYarts Annual Holiday Shop and Tall Walls Holiday Show
BAYarts supports regional artists year round in the gallery shop, but nothing beats the expansive holiday shop for great attendance and sales. Unlike markets and festivals, this one runs all season, seven days a week, and we do the heavy lifting: ticketing, display, inventory and mail you a check! To participate, send photos of your work to for consignment panel review.
Holiday Open House: 9 am – 5 pm Nov 21, noon – 5 pm Nov 22, and open 7 days through December.
Tall Walls Opening reception 7-9 pm Friday, Dec 4, through December
28795 Lake Road
Bay Village, Ohio 44140
Fall Hours:
Office: 9 – 5 Monday – Saturday
Sullivan Gallery: 9 – 3 Tuesday – Saturday, or by appointment.
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