Fusión Creativa: MetroWest, Una señal de estos tiempos

Tr. Damaris Punales Alpizar A medida que las elecciones para la alcaldía y el Congreso en Cleveland están más cerca, comienzan a aparecer más y más letreros que promueven a los aspirantes a esos puestos. Este año, además, los letreros añaden competencia visual adicional debido al trabajo de los artistas participantes en el proyecto “Una señal de estos tiempos”, patrocinado […]

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Creative Fusion: Metrohealth, Signs of the Times

As mayoral and congressional elections approach in Cleveland, yard signs promoting the candidates have already begun to proliferate. This year, the candidates have some strong visual competition from artists chosen for MetroHealth’s Signs of the Times project, sponsored by the Cleveland Foundation through its Creative Fusion program. In styles as diverse as the community, the artists’ signs call the community […]

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CREATIVE FUSION – Reaching Across Barriers: Hector Castellanos-Lara, Cleveland

With support from the Cleveland Foundation’s Creative Fusion program, Cleveland artist Hector Castellanos-Lara hopes to work with artist Ana Quiroz, who lives in San Miguel de Allende and Mexico City, Mexico—assuming travel plans survive the COVID crisis. His project is to build a permanent gateway structure as part of Art House’s green campus expansion: a structure that will mark this […]

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Sharon Pomales Tousey, Hector Castellanos-Lara, Higo Gabarron Ordorica, Eldis Rodríguez-Baez In collaboration with professor Damaris Puñales-Alpízar, we gave Spanish language students from Case Western Reserve University a task: Go out there to the real world; put the language skills acquired in the classroom to work; connect with Hispanic artists in Cleveland; talk to them; learn from them. Below you will […]

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