Out of the Shadows: New Paintings by Eileen Dorsey

Eileen Dorsey has been a fixture in the Cleveland art scene for nearly a decade and has gained both critical and popular acclaim. Eileen is known for colorful and pigment-rich forestscapes and landscapes. Her work draws you in with her use of light and well-composed canvases. Eileen’s new works will be featured at Cain Park this summer, and they are […]

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Out of the Shadows: New Paintings by Eileen Dorsey

Eileen Dorsey has been a fixture in the Cleveland art scene for nearly a decade and has gained both critical and popular acclaim. Eileen is known for colorful and pigment-rich forestscapes and landscapes. Her work draws you in with her use of light and well-composed canvases. Eileen’s new works will be featured at Cain Park this summer, and they are […]

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