Christmas-Adjacent: Phil Kline’s Unsilent Night, in Cleveland and Kent

Phil Kline’s Unsilent Night is a Christmas-adjacent, strolling musical performance that combines December festivity, the need for community and tradition, with an aesthetic and rules that accommodate the changing times. New-York-based / Cleveland-born artist Andrew Ratcliff has hosted performances in Tremont since 2021, and will again Friday (December 13, 2024). Meanwhile, yoga Instructor and sound bath facilitator Alicia Patrice started […]

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The Body, the Host: HIV/AIDS and Christianity, at the Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin

“We want to turn this country back to [the way it was in] 1954.” Paul Weyrich, Co-Founder of the Heritage Foundation and the Christian Right’s Moral Majority, c. 1982 “I have swallowed a monstrous dose of poison…the violence of the venom twists my limbs, deforms…prostrates me, I die of thirst, I suffocate, and cannot scream. It is hell, eternal punishment.” […]

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Line & Liminality: Curlee Raven Holton’s Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit at William Busta Projects

On view as part of Curlee Raven Holton’s solo exhibition Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit at William Busta Projects in Waterloo this fall, the modest size serigraph relief, A Dance of Joy and Pain (2024), summons the unusually spectacular autumn gracing Cleveland this year. Orange-crimson burns like a flame against a shrinking azure expanse, glow emitting a boundless, jubilant, […]

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From The HeArt of Cleveland, Vol. II: The Art Girls are emblematic of one of the Northeast Ohio art scene’s greatest strengths.

This essay was written for The HeArt of Cleveland, Volume II, an anthology of art and writing organized and published by Scott Kraynak, and surveying the creative scene in Cleveland. It’s published with permission. The HeArt of Cleveland, Volume II debuts in November at HEDGE Gallery, with an exhibition of works by artists who contributed to images and text to […]

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Degenerate! Ghosts on the Road to Unfreedom at the Maltz Museum

“If the world is turned upside down, the truth will become a lie.” – Guy Debord, 1967 “The image always gets the last word.” – Roland Barthes, c. 1975 “DEGENERATE! Hitler’s War on Modern Art” explores the ways in which Der Fuhrer’s Nazi party used modern art as a vehicle to sway public opinion, and the subsequent assault on artists […]

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Queer Histories: Zygote Press at the LGBT Center

If we don’t recognize our ancestors, we don’t know who we are. Stories and histories are the anchors of resilience in a turbulent river that can feel like a whirlpool. In Queer Histories, a collaborative exhibit between the LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland and Zygote Press, tributes to and calls to action from the queer community resonate through the […]

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The Border that Unites Us: Picturing the Border, at the Cleveland Museum of Art

In several scenes in the film Como agua para chocolate[1] (Alfonso Arau, 1992, based on the book of the same name by Laura Esquivel), the De la Garza sisters cross the border between Mexico and the United States, like those who cross the street: without so much drama or paperwork. They cross for a variety of reasons: They go to […]

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La frontera que nos une: Picturing the Border, en el Museo de Arte Cleveland

En más de una escena de la película Como agua para chocolate[1] (Alfonso Arau, 1992), basada en el libro homónimo de Laura Esquivel, las hermanas De la Garza cruzan, por diferentes motivos, la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos, como quien cruza la calle: sin tanto drama ni papeleo. Van a visitar al Dr. Brown, quien vive en la […]

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Broken Babes, Together & Alone: Sarah Curry’s Common Threads at HEDGE

Silent and two-dimensional, paintings speak languages we have long forgotten—the dialects we once knew, the tongues of our childhood, the vernacular of our most recent loss. On view at HEDGE through October 26, Sarah Curry’s newest body of work, Common Threads, presents the amorphous space between then and now, what once was and what is today. The exhibition lays out […]

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Plucked from a Moment in Time, GLOW: Neon & Light at the Akron Art Museum

Glass, mirrors, light bulbs and neon tubes are media that are most often included in an exhibit with a variety of other mediums — not usually as the main focus of an exhibit. Further, most often neon is associated with text and it’s rare to see a exhibit that focuses on its ability to communicate concepts through light, form and color […]

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