Mothers, Women, Children, Choices: Judy Takács at Chagrin Arts

For over a year now, every discussion with women at art openings…and everywhere else… had us shaking our heads, wringing our hands, and lamenting dark times in Ohio since Roe v. Wade was overturned. Reproductive rights…then and now January 22, 1973: the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade guaranteeing the right to abortion. June 24, 2022: the six to three […]

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Judy Takács’ Goddess Project: Warriors Comes to Ashtabula Arts Center

Medusa, Eve, Pandora, Mary, Isis, Venus, Athena, Thalia, God, and Satan will all be appearing at the Ashtabula Arts Center this July. These characters, and more, are part of figurative painter Judy Takács’ solo show and long-term project, The Goddess Project: Warriors. Opening from 6 to 8 pm on Friday, July 7, The Goddess Project: Warriors will remain on view […]

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The Goddess Project: Innocents, in Chagrin Falls

Judy Takács has been one of the most prolific and visible artists in Northeast Ohio, for years. She’s a constant presence in group and juried shows, and has had multiple solo shows as well, including a current collection titled The Goddess Project: Innocents, on view in the intimate Chagrin Arts gallery in the center of Chagrin Falls. It’s on view […]

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The Goddess Project: Innocents at Chagrin Arts

  Artist Judy Takács’ Goddess Project and the Ohio Innocence Project come together at Chagrin Arts for The Goddess Project: Innocents, opening March 6. For years now, Chagrin Arts has allied itself with the Ohio Innocence Project, a legal team whose mission is to fight for and free those who have been wrongfully incarcerated—sometimes for decades. They also work to […]

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Chicks have the best laid plans…

Six years ago, I started to pitch my traveling show, Chicks with Balls: Judy Takács paints unsung female heroes, to Ohio museums. I focused on the Zanesville Museum of Art especially. I loved their folksy Central Ohio vibe. The museum sits on a suburban street with a classic red mailbox, next to a home-based tanning salon! It also has a […]

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The painting of portraits has a long and storied history. For hundreds of years, artists have sought to capture likenesses on canvas. In a post-postmodern world, portraiture still has a role to play, but what is it exactly? In a world of selfie sticks and Instagram filters, people still seek out traditional painted portraits, but the status of these paintings […]

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Chicks with Balls heads to Zanesville Museum of Art

Before the first Chick took off her shirt and hugged her first ball, I’ve been thinking about a solo museum show for my epic, now decade-old project, Chicks with Balls: Judy Takács paints unsung female heroes. On February 13, 2020, that dream is coming true. Chicks with Balls: Judy Takács paints unsung female heroes will have its (and my) first […]

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From Woman XII at Lakeland

If we learned anything about women and gender-queer folks over the last two years and two months, it is that we are resilient, powerful survivor-warriors. What seems clear both locally and globally for women in living in the Orange Era, is what artist Barbra Kruger plainly stated 30 years ago in her stark photo text piece: “Your body is a […]

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CAN Triennial Dealer Guide: Cleveland Figurative, Booth 10

Stanka Kordic Martin O’Connor John A. Sargent, III Judy Takács Contemporary Figurative Realism is a movement that has been brewing on the coasts for over a decade. Cleveland’s own figurative artists have also been passionately painting humans with an eye to truth, beauty and the beauty of the truthful depiction…physically and emotionally. To own a masterful depiction of a human […]

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Among Friends: The May Show at Lakeland

In the afternoon before the opening of Lakeland Community College’s May Show, the poster that would later greet visitors was covered in brown paper to keep the identity of the Best-In-Show winner a secret. During a walk around the galleries that afternoon, it was impossible to ignore Mark Giangaspero’s imposing pastel portrait in grays and blues, Altered Identity. The image […]

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