Amber Kempthorn: (Extra)Ordinary Magic

Amber Kempthorn stirs meticulously-rendered everyday objects and revelatory encounters into the sweeping stardust of her dream-like works on paper. Since earning an MFA at Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2008, the Northeast Ohio native (born in Cuyahoga Falls, she also attended Ohio’s College of Wooster and Hiram College) has developed a tantalizing style, glimmering with mystique and memory as it […]

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All A – DayGlo

One of the joys of the annual DayGlo show at Waterloo Arts (February 4 – 26) is that it celebrates something so very Cleveland: an industrial product that is right at home in the art world. DayGlo is a Cleveland-based industrial manufacturer of fluorescent pigment: their customers are other manufacturing companies that use the pigment to make vividly colorful packaging […]

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Let Down Your Bucket Where You Are: A Taste of FRONT

The 2022 FRONT International Cleveland Triennial for Contemporary Art is due to open in multiple Northeast Ohio venues in July, 2022. Delayed by the pandemic, it’s been the better part of four years since the inaugural version of the exhibition, though it may seem even longer: we’ve all watched as the zeitgeist took a few wild turns between then and […]

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Avatars and Secret Doors: David King at HEDGE

  In his solo exhibit “Transience and the Gift of Curiosity” at HEDGE Gallery, David King’s small painting “Lava Field” shows two girls, running hand-in-hand toward the viewer. They emerge from a gray- brown wall of mist or smoke, across the glowing cracks of a lava flow. Members of the artist’s family, these girls are literally figures from the past, […]

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Redefining Reality: Cleveland Arts Prize Winners Corrie Slawson and Lauren Yeager

Sculptor Lauren Yeager and printmaker Corrie Slawson are winners, respectively, of the 2021 Cleveland Arts Prize for emerging and mid-career artists.   Lauren Yeager, 2021 Winner of the Cleveland Arts Prize for an Emerging Artist Sculptor and photographer Lauren Yeager is recipient of a Cleveland Arts Prize for 2021, in the Emerging Artist category. Like the majority of fine arts […]

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Ken Nevadomi: The Panther’s Teeth

The acclaimed painter and retired professor of painting at Cleveland State University, Ken Nevadomi, is the subject of two major exhibits this year: A Wild Ride—a retrospective examining his lifetime art production—was on view at Artists Archives of the Western Reserve, June 17 through August 7. An even more comprehensive look at Nevadomi’s work will be on view this fall […]

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As an emergent artistic technique, augmented reality (AR) may seem like a pretty high-concept notion, long on what George W. Bush called “the Vision thing,” arguably a bit short when it comes to reality itself. But AR offers at least one hugely important advantage to artists and museums, anywhere and everywhere: a fresh and flexible way for audiences to interact […]

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Maugans and Utter at HEDGE Gallery

As we launch into the “new normal” of summer 2021, HEDGE Gallery artists Liz Maugans and Douglas Max Utter present brand new work in an exhibition titled AlmostREAL—paintings, printmaking and collaged drawings that examine heightened observation, sensitivity, expectation and the unbelievingness of our present time. They delve into the role of story-telling and explore how much of our experienced “reality” […]

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Remaining Themselves: The 75th CIA Student Independent Exhibition

The 75th annual CIA Student Independent Exhibition is of unusual interest, not just for all the perennial art and education reasons, but also as creative testimony to the deep impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students and on artists generally. Organized by a student committee, the works on view were selected by a group of artist/educator jurors recruited from around […]

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