2020: Learning from those who Passed Away

  We can learn from people who passed away, even if we don’t always know what. Every life offers multiple perspectives on how to find meaning. To improvise on a theme from Wallace Stevens, twenty people dying are one death with something to teach us, and also twenty deaths with twenty things each to teach us about the value of a […]

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WORKING IN THE UNIVERSE: Remembering Chappelle Letman, Jr. (December 21, 1950-January 15, 2020)

A sculptor works not only to shape a chunk of stone, but also to soften the terrible hardness of the world, downshifting the deeps of time and space toward human understanding. Chappelle Letman Jr., an African American artist born in Brooklyn, New York, who became totally blind when he was 41 years old, went on in the remaining three decades […]

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