HOME IS WHERE THEIR ART IS: John Farina and Adam Tully Talk About How They Met and Built a Collection Together

John Farina and Adam Tully don’t just collect art: they live it. Pieces from their eclectic collection ranging somewhere between 600 and 700 works adorn every room in their home, including the attic, bathrooms, closets, and hallways. About 85 percent of that, Farina estimates, is work by local artists. Even their cats—Emma, Hex, and Roosevelt—play with charming little toys crafted […]

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Dreamscapes Galore: Ingenuity Fest 2019

“Ingenuity, born as Cleveland’s Festival of Art and Technology, has certainly been through some bleak times.” . . . That’s how CAN’s Michael Gill began a review of the re-energized Festival one year ago. And here we are a year later, with another wildly successful festival under their belts (judging by the amount of people I saw posting photos on […]

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The Immigrant Experience—On Canvas

Brown is the color of warm dirt beneath the feet of children running around the mountaintop village, where people rise earlier than the sun. And, when the sun recedes behind the highest peaks, the brown people blend back into their mud-built homes. This is the vision in the mind of Elmi L. Ventura Mata, the latest artist to be seen […]

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Maria Neil presents A Curated Selection of Natural Elements from Here and Abroad

Deborah Pinter’s ethereal flora and otherworldly plant matter will grace the walls of Maria Neil Art Project and help usher in Spring. Monochromatic prints showcasing depth and structure hearken back to her ‘Scanagram’ photography on silver gelatin paper. The flashiness of her subject matter is now replaced with heavy black inks and articulated impressions which help guide the viewer into […]

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“Finding the Inherently Beautiful in Everything”

What do we obtain from the earth, and what do we make of it? Jen Craun tackles this quandary in a visually engaging way this January at Maria Neil. The question is two-fold due to not only the visual aesthetic she creates with her wood intaglio prints, but also to the processes which she undergoes to create them. “The printed […]

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