Did Cleveland Make You Proud?

Each issue of CAN looks ahead to a new season, but this time we’ve got to take a minute to look back on what just happened in Northeast Ohio. The FRONT International Cleveland Triennial for Contemporary Art is winding down. The inaugural CAN Triennial is behind us. Did Cleveland make you proud? In our view, the most important thing about […]

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Roads Less Travelled: Dott von Schneider’s Road Trip at Hedge Gallery

Before the SUV ruled America’s highways, before Uber and Lyft threatened the primacy of the family car, there was the Road Trip. Not that anyone called it that back when the Joad clan were fleeing the Dust Bowl. But from The Grapes of Wrath all the way through Jack Kerouac’s adventures, up to the sad moment when Chevy Chase and […]

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Seeing Myself Through Yayoi Kusama: Like it or Not, the Selfie-Blockbuster is Here

The term blockbuster was probably first used to describe a museum exhibition in 1976, when throngs of visitors patiently waited in line to see the grandiose King Tut exhibition at the National Gallery. The show then toured the country and drew the astounding attendance of eight million people. What followed was a barrage of blockbusters over the years, usually featuring […]

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RAILROAD FAME – Moniker: Identity Lost and Found explores the people and folklore of American rail yard graffiti at the Massillon Museum

Before the internet spread aerosol-painted, hip-hop style across the world, the word “graffiti” did not instantly conjure the wildly colorful, mural-sized graphics that all but define the term these days. Graffiti is as old as walls, of course, and its history is woven with diverse threads and intentions. A deeply informed exhibit at the Massillon Museum of Art explores one […]

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ARTBELT: Exhibit at Lakeland Community College connects Cleveland, Youngstown, and Pittsburgh

“To a large extent, I’m doing this show because no one else is doing it,” says John Morris, speaking about Artbelt: New Art from the Rustbelt, which he curated and organized. The exhibit, now on display at Lakeland Community College, had two primary goals. Firstly, to showcase art made in the postindustrial Midwest while the world’s attention was turned to […]

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Artist/Artist: Jessica Pinsky interviews Christi Birchfield & Christi Birchfield interviews Jessica Pinsky

Jessica Pinsky interviews Christi Birchfield Jessica Pinsky: You have a background in printmaking, and your undergraduate and graduate degrees are both in print. Christi Birchfield: Correct. JP: But drawing is such an important part of your process. CB: Printmaking has given me the formula for building a piece. Layers become important—thinking about not only a singular image, but how, visually, […]

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Announcing: The Inaugural CAN Triennial Prizes

The N in CAN stands for Network, and this defining element of the organization played an equally defining role in the inaugural CAN Triennial, from our venue partners (ARTneo, Survival Kit, Tregoning & Co.) to our exhibit partners who created the historic exhibit Three Angles (ARTneo and Artists Archives of the Western Reserve) to the sixteen dealers that exhibited and […]

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Fall 2018 Events

Your easy, chronological guide to what Northeast Ohio galleries and museums have coming up in the next few months. More information about many of these exhibits can be found elsewhere in the pages of CAN. Enjoy the shows! by Anastasia Pantsios CONTINUING THROUGH AUGUST 25 Featured Creatures: Work by Barbara Bloom, Maggie Brown, Cindy Ceroky, Keri Gortz, Michael W. High, […]

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The Change We Want to See: Community Engagement efforts at the Cleveland Museum of Art

It can be difficult for a 105-year-old organization to stay fresh and continuously come up with new ways to engage with the community. Lately, the Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) has been striving a little harder to do just those things. A recent $368,400 grant from the Ford Foundation and Walton Family Foundations’ Diversifying Art Museum Leadership Initiative—matched by the […]

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The Cleveland Museum of Art Composers Cohort: “Find your inspiration here”

Since its inception in 2008, the Cleveland Foundation’s Creative Fusion program has brought more than eighty international artists to Cleveland for residencies. Now, and for the first time in its history, the Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) will make a serious commitment to the commissioning of new music in partnership with the Cleveland Foundation. Over the next two years, the […]

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