Winter in Tremont: The Arts Will Keep You Warm

Arts and culture go inside for the winter in Tremont. But our artists don’t hibernate. They re-double their efforts, open new cultural venues and welcome visitors to witness the neighborhood’s ever-increasing creative diversity. Visible Voice Books, the renowned curated bookseller, re-opened on Professor Avenue with double the space, an intimate cafe, beer and wine tastings, author events and musical performances. […]

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Art and Artists live in Tremont

There’s a rumor that Tremont is no longer a haven for artists, a rumor that gentrification is not the artist’s friend. Not so in Tremont, where artists thrive and transform their community by reimagining what a creative lifestyle means. Beginning in the late 1970s, artist of all persuasions—painters, sculptors, dancers, musicians, chefs, arts educators, graphic artists—began moving in. By 2011, […]

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