From inner to outer: Tricia Kaman at Ursuline College

Portraitist and figure painter Tricia Kaman has been developing her craft for four decades, and the results of her experiments and refinements are on display at Ursuline College’s Wasmer Gallery. “Women in Reverie,” now in its final two weeks in exhibit, gathers 52 of Kaman’s oil and pastel images of women and girls. The artist captures women in many activities—conversing, napping, […]

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Last chance to see: 20 faculty and staff members exhibit at Tri-C East

You might be served best by stopping reading this review right now and driving to Highland Hills. There, the Tri-C Art Faculty and Staff Art Exhibit 2016 closes in two days, Jan. 26, this Thursday. Twenty artists from all four Cuyahoga Community College campuses are represented in the Eastern Campus Art Gallery.  As with any group show, the subject matter […]

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Bay Arts’ “Presence and Projection”: Humanity at extremes and in intimacy

John W. Carlson and Douglas Max Utter  explore the ability of painting, print, and drawing to create self-sustaining worlds of feeling in their joint exhibition “Presence and Projection”. The show is ongoing at Bay Arts’ Sullivan Family Gallery, and is hosted in collaboration with HEDGE Gallery. Carlson is a painter and drawing instructor. Utter is an artist, critic, and 2013 […]

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Artists and Curators Gather Good Things To Life

Artist Kim Schoel remembers her friend and colleague Roy Bigler as a constructive critic, who always strived to learn from others’ work and seek understanding. “He was one of those rare people who would always find something positive to say. He was always respectful and curious,” Schoel said. Bigler passed away in March of 2014, aged 58 years old. Since […]

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Welcome to the Neighborhood: Roese, Ratusnik, Ries, and Pribojan examine their surroundings

  For 28 years, the Harris Stanton Gallery has been a fixture of the Akron art scene, and the broader Northeast Ohio creative community. Last year, the boutique opened a Cleveland location. To mark its first anniversary in its second home, Harris Stanton Gallery is welcoming and re-introducing itself to the neighborhood. In late August, four painters will display visual […]

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A Brain Grows in Tremont: Public works of sculptor Olga Ziemska

  Where Professor Ave. meets West 10th St., a giant’s head peeks out of the sidewalk. From the flat top of its skull, a steel trunk sprouts into a canopy of spikey branches. The stalk is in two senses a “dendrite”—a tree as named in Greek, and one of the bushy appendages on a neuron which receives transmissions from other […]

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Rev. Albert Wagner believed in redemption. A minister and self-taught artist who began preaching and painting at age 50, he expressed this belief in both the form and material of his work. He proclaimed he had been called by God to turn away from sin and give moral and religious instruction through his paintings and sculpture. His depictions of biblical […]

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