365 Days of Art

“Iconic Logic, Vivien Abrams, Paint and canvas on wood, 1977. 366 days of artwork : Day 13. Image courtesy of the Farinully Collection.

How’s your New Year’s Resolution going? And did it require the diligence of doing some specific thing every day for an entire year? Adam Tully’s 2024 commitment caught our attention on Facebook, which only makes sense, because that is where it is going to play out for the entirety of 2024: The art collector, bassist and librarian committed to posting 365 days of art.

Cat, by John W. Carlson (1954 – 2020). Oil on canvas, 2016. 366 days of artwork: Day 18. Image courtesy of the Farinully Collection.

He’s already doing a penitential double post, having missed a day due to illness.

But to be clear, what he means is 365 days of art from his own household’s collection. And technically, he says, it’s 366 days: 2024 is a leap year. As readers know, CAN loves to cheer on collectors. Tully and his husband John Farina—in addition to running the Maria Neil Art Project—are among the region’s most committed collectors of local art. In a Spring 2021 story, Christopher Johnston profiled the couple, who at that time estimated that they have between 600 and 700 works in their home, 85 percent of which—again an estimate—came from artists of Northeast Ohio. Tully says the number of works in the collection hasn’t changed much since then: They’ve run out of wall and storage space.

Athena, by Rick Rollenhagen. Carrara marble on wood base, 2022. 366 days of artwork : Day 14. Image courtesy of the Farinully Collection.

Part of his motivation for the project, he says, is to create an inventory—to have documentation that could be presented for insurance purposes should the need arise. “Heaven forbid we have a fire,” he said.

But it’s also about “giving flowers to the living artists that we still appreciate.” And that’s a good reason to watch the rest of the year continue to unfold.

“Stand, by Darius Steward. Ink on Yupo paper, 2016. 366 days of artwork: Day 15. Image courtesy of the Farinully Collection.

The opinions expressed on CAN Blog are those of the individual writers. Art is somewhat subjective. Well, somewhat. But yes, everybody's a critic.

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