Two Elder Bohemians, at Doubting Thomas

“Two elder bohemians” is how Stephen Calhoun described himself and John Saile while introducing their exhibit, Luxuries of Being, which opened at Doubting Thomas Gallery June 14 and closes June 29. It’s a quickie, and the middle weekend of the short run was closed in response to Northeast Ohio’s sweltering heat, but you’ve got one weekend left to see their […]

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Stephen Calhoun: “My intent washes away”

Stephen Calhoun is an artist of paradoxes. Concretely, his works are photographs altered through generative computational processes. The finished products are luminous mandalas, characterized by symmetry and color. However, Calhoun’s thinking and processes are characterized by ideas in tension. His images are the product of both painstaking craftsmanship and blind mechanical algorithms. His art is abstract, but made of photographs […]

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