I’ll Tumble For Ya: Neverending Cycles

There’s a reason people with money have for centuries paid others to wash their clothes. Laundry is a never-ending task, and even the invention of washing machines and dryers has not relieved us of the need to haul baskets, sort and fold in a relentless routine.  Rather than make note and marvel that not one but two exhibitions built around […]

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Degas at CMA: Elevating the Laundress

Laundry. Whether the word evokes dazzling white sheets billowing along a clothesline or a basket brimming with unmentionables, the uniquely human task is as universal as it is mundane. However it’s perceived, the Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) is elevating the humble work of washing and ironing with Degas and the Laundress: Women, Work, and Impressionism. “The exhibition looks at […]

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