Around & Through Digital Tech: Untouched at Heights Arts

  The earliest exhibitions of digital art took place in Stuttgart, Germany and New York City back in the first half of 1965, yet today’s debates over how (or if) “digital” and “art” ought to mix too often lack maturity to match their advancing age. In the ‘60s the New York Times feared that “almost any kind of painting can […]

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A Feel-Good Moment: The 59th Annual Cleveland Arts Prize Awards

Last night at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Gartner Auditorium, broadcasting icon Dee Perry (CAP 2016) presented the 59th Annual Cleveland Arts Prize Awards to some of the region’s finest. Winners included poets, writers, musicians, composers, visual artists, dancers, leaders, and visionaries at what was a truly uplifting night filled with powerful speeches, delightful music, and extraordinary performances. It was what […]

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Rhythms and Rotations: Janice Lessman-Moss at Praxis

When an object has the power to compel a closer look, it is almost always has something to do with the way in which it was made. Paintings draw us in not only with their content, but with their brush strokes. Prints cause us to consider the cuts in a wood block, the burr on the edge of a dry […]

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