Rick and Alita Rogers & the Yinyang of Art Collecting

Richard and Alita Rogers symbolize the Yin and Yang of art collecting. Rick has pursued the art of acquiring fine objects since he was a child, starting with coins and moving into antiques and furniture as a young man. Roughly a decade after marrying Alita in 1982, he had worked hard and long at B. W. Rogers Co.–his family’s industrial […]

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How Joseph and Nancy Keithley Built an Art Collection that Became a Historic Gift to CMA

As a young married couple, Joseph and Nancy Keithley knew they shared a deep appreciation for art. Fittingly, they had met at Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, in 1974, when a mutual friend invited them to a small party the matchmaker hoped would spark a romantic union between two other friends. “After about 45 minutes, the two […]

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Joe and Elaine Kisvardi Collect Cleveland School Artists as Friends, Too

Joe Kisvardi’s collection of Cleveland School artworks comes with a distinctive provenance: He and his wife, Elaine, shared as much or more time enjoying their close friendships with the artists as they did admiring their art in galleries. After serving in the US Marines from 1964 to 1968 during the Vietnam War, Kisvardi returned to Cleveland. His family lived in […]

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HOME IS WHERE THEIR ART IS: John Farina and Adam Tully Talk About How They Met and Built a Collection Together

John Farina and Adam Tully don’t just collect art: they live it. Pieces from their eclectic collection ranging somewhere between 600 and 700 works adorn every room in their home, including the attic, bathrooms, closets, and hallways. About 85 percent of that, Farina estimates, is work by local artists. Even their cats—Emma, Hex, and Roosevelt—play with charming little toys crafted […]

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