Sankofa Fine Art Plus Hears You

Who is Sankofa Fine Art Plus? Sankofa Fine Art Plus serves and advocates for African American artists, which presents African American art as a credible and meaningful art form for neighborhood revitalization. Through intergenerational community education, and collaboration, via participatory public art, we inspire change in people, place, and practice. In doing this we create opportunity for a more just […]

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Yards Projects REVEAL Showcase to benefit WEst 117 Foundation

The West 117 Foundation, Inc. was established in 2020 with a mission to provide leadership to Cleveland’s LGBTQ+ community to raise private sector funds, steward the assets received, and make grants in support of entrepreneurship, arts, culture, health and human services, and other relevant programs. From rental subsidies to arts and cultural programming to entrepreneurship and upskilling opportunities, the foundation aims to help […]

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