Kamari Carter: Dark Blue, Almost Black, at SPACES

Kamari Carter is a New York based multidisciplinary artist, with his latest exhibition, Dark Blue, Almost Black on view at SPACES gallery until May 10. Carter uses a minimalist, multimedia approach to tackle topics regarding Americentrism, policing, and identity through text, imagery, sound and wall work. His presentations and curatorial framework encourage the audience to reflect on what they experience […]


Updated! Art of the Eclipse

Have you heard there is going to be a total solar eclipse April 8, and that Cleveland is in the Path of Totality? No? Well, it’s true. Skip the following paragraph if you have already heard this information forty gajillion times: The moon will begin to block the sun at 1:59 pm in Cleveland. Between 3:13 and 3:17 pm, it […]


Ronayne’s Nominations for CAC Board

For more than a year, artists have complained that Cuyahoga Arts and Culture –the entity that administers the cigarette tax for the arts–did not meet the requirement that at least two of its members “devote a major portion of their time to practicing, performing or teaching any of the arts, or […] are professional administrators in any field of the […]


Settling/Unsettling: Xia Gao at Waterloo Arts

Waterloo Arts rang in the new year with the opening of Settling/Unsettling, Daydream of Jiangnan. A solo exhibition featuring the works of Michigan-based textile artist Xia Gao, Settling/Unsettling was a multifaceted and thought-provoking exhibition that raised pertinent questions about modernization, adaptation, and the rapid socioeconomic changes taking place in China and beyond. Gao, a Chinese immigrant and professor at Michigan […]


Catherine Lentini, Hard-Edged Anxieties at Abattoir’s Quarter

Vividly graphic paintings adorn the walls of Abattoir’s satellite location at the Quarter in Hingetown. The exhibition consists of hard-edged canvases by Catherine Lentini. Two related but separate series that make up the majority of the show explore Lentini’s thoughts about the passage of time, the pervasiveness of screens in our daily lives, and of war – specifically nuclear war […]

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