d.a. levy: Subversive Printmaking in 1960s Cleveland

The Cleveland poet d.a. levy (Darryl Alfred Levey, 1942-1968) was among the most prolific publishing poets of the mimeo revolution of the 1960s, which evolved into what is now called underground or outlaw poetry: small presses independent of the Academy. Of less renown yet as fascinating as his publications are levy’s prints and the methods he used to make them. […]

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Sankofa Black Arts Expo Set to Return in November 2025

It’s been thirteen years since Northeast Ohio lost one of its biggest and brightest art shows: Sankofa Fine Art Plus’ Black Art Expo, an annual showcase of Black art that ran from 2001 to 2011 and drew national acclaim. The festival is set to return in 2025—marking Sankofa’s 25th anniversary—to the Eastern Campus of Cuyahoga Community College. The timing couldn’t […]

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Expect Miracles: doubting thomas endures

Against all odds, taking no commissions, and without a website, set hours, or staff, doubting thomas art and free verse space is almost a quarter century old. No commission. No website. No set hours, and no staff to keep them. Artists on the edge of homelessness sometimes sleeping on the church pew. “Expect miracles” has become a mantra for the […]

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The State of the Quest

In the wake of the FRONT and CAN triennials, can a grassroots group of volunteers using an inclusive, democratic process develop a major new art event for Cleveland? Does Cleveland need yet another arts festival? That question was on the table this past February when Northeast Ohio artists Liz Maugans and Dave King called an informal meeting of creators and […]

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Connecting to Futures: Zach Repphun, Building a Career by Design

Zach Repphun’s first memory of encountering a work of art was on a field trip to Youngstown’s esteemed Butler Institute of American Art in the fourth grade. He was captivated by Madison Avenue at Speed, Peter Maier’s actual-size painting of Jeff Gordon’s #24 race car that is now part of that museum’s permanent collection. Years later, when Repphun was working […]

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Photo Poets: Wilbur Frierson III

Wil Frierson is a Cleveland-based visual artist with over ten years experience capturing indoor and outdoor architecture in their natural element. He aims to make you feel like you’re immersed in that environment, experiencing it from a “bystander’s” point of view. Out of the way, taking it all in. As a professional photographer and videographer, Frierson focuses on the architecture […]

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Holiday Markets: Buy art. Buy local. Shop small.

Buy art. Buy local. Shop Small. With those principles and this handy guide, you’ve got the holidays covered. ***Through December 30HEIGHTS ARTS ANNUAL HOLIDAY STOREOpen through the end of the year, the Heights Arts Holiday Store offers fine art, crafts, books, CDs and more, made by more than 100 local creators, with new artists joining old favorites every year. The […]

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“You’ve Got to Find Something Else.”

Thanks to the voters of Cuyahoga County, Issue 55–the cigarette tax for the arts–has passed. And once again, public support for the arts has passed overwhelmingly, with unofficial results reporting 72 percent of voters in favor of the measure. That boosts the tax on cigarettes to 70 cents per pack, which at least in the near term will lift public […]

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This is Leadership: A Conversation with Fanna Gebreyesus

Ali Black: You’re three months into your new role as the new executive director of Spaces. How has Cleveland been treating you? Fanna Gebreyesus: Cleveland’s been wonderful. It’s been really good. Busy, but rewarding. I’ve been humbled to see how nice and welcoming folks have been, and, there’s been more events than I can attend. AB: I love to hear […]

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Nancy Heaton: Not a Soccer Mom, and Not Retiring

BAYarts Executive Director Nancy Walters Heaton will step down after twenty years, and it’s not exaggerating to say she and a team of women who were not soccer moms saved the organization. BAYarts Board President Mary Conway Sullivan says she and Executive Director Nancy Heaton met before either of them was actively involved at the gallery and community art center. […]

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