The Bonfoey Gallery at 130: Art That Transcends Time

When they opened their first store, no cars swooshed by their display windows. Women’s skirts swept the sidewalks and their jewels glittered under gaslights at the Opera House, just down East 4th Street from the first store. John D. Rockefeller had just started his vertical integration into wealth, Henry Sherwin and Edward Williams had recently introduced a line of marine […]

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The Morgan Celebrates 15-Year Anniversary with a Kaleidoscope of Events

As the Morgan Conservatory has grown over the years, so has it changed. Our first goal was to preserve the arts of hand papermaking, bookbinding, and printmaking. In doing so, we’ve brought those arts into the 21st century by educating about and exploring the future possibilities of these “old school” techniques. This year, our fifteenth anniversary is more of a […]

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Flux Metal Arts: Happy Hands, Happy Hearts, Happy Anniversary!

Ting, ting, ting, hear the anvil ring! The sounds of hammers and saws are music to our ears, and we are excited to celebrate a milestone of TEN years of creative community in the jewelry and metalworking arts. On November 2, 2012, we opened our doors in Mentor, welcoming the community in for the first time, embracing of the creative […]

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