
I was born just outside of a small town, Polk, Ohio, to dairy farmers which influenced my life. Growing up on a farm I learned about conservation before it became the “in” thing to do. I learned to love the land and roam the two hundred acre farm my parents owned. Around the age of twelve my mom gave me my first camera. I began photographing the world around me, not just goofy pictures of my friends that most kids would do. A year later the great landscape photographer, Ansel Adams passed away. I saw a television interview he had done. They shown some of his work and I quickly became an admirer of his. I began considering the possibility of becoming a landscape photographer. Of course life hands everyone twist and turns including myself. By the time I met my husband I was in the printing industry. My husband suggested on a trip we were taking to bring my camera. Thus began the second phase of my photography career. In the beginning I photographed primarily for fun, first photographing my step-children’s soccer games, then some of the family’s vacations and finally I became more serious when I attended a nature photography workshop. Everything seemed to “click.” Now over the past several years we’ve traveled everywhere in the United States, photographing the beauty our country has to offer. Photography has affected me in every aspect of my life. If I’m not photographing nature, I’m writing about it. I’m looking outside my window in my home trying to decide if the light is perfect to photograph a landscape. When I’m traveling anywhere I try to “see” a landscape photograph; I’m always working on my compositions. I love the “click” the camera makes when the image is captured on the digital card. The smell of the outdoors, whether its a cold, crisp Ohio winter or a hot humid summer day I love being surrounded by nature. Just as I cannot picture my life without my family, I cannot picture my life without photography.

561 County Road 800
Polk, OH 44866
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Contact Amanda Kiplinger
About I was born just outside of a small town, Polk, Ohio, to dairy farmers which influenced my life. Growing up on a farm I learned about conservation before it became the “in” thing to do. I learned to love the land and roam the two hundred acre farm my parents owned. Around the age of twelve my mom gave me my first camera. I began photographing the world around me, not just goofy pictures of my friends that most kids would do. A year later the great landscape photographer, Ansel Adams passed away. I saw a television interview he had done. They shown some of his work and I quickly became an admirer of his. I began considering the possibility of becoming a landscape photographer. Of course life hands everyone twist and turns including myself. By the time I met my husband I was in the printing industry. My husband suggested on a trip we were taking to bring my camera. Thus began the second phase of my photography career. In the beginning I photographed primarily for fun, first photographing my step-children’s soccer games, then some of the family’s vacations and finally I became more serious when I attended a nature photography workshop. Everything seemed to “click.” Now over the past several years we’ve traveled everywhere in the United States, photographing the beauty our country has to offer. Photography has affected me in every aspect of my life. If I’m not photographing nature, I’m writing about it. I’m looking outside my window in my home trying to decide if the light is perfect to photograph a landscape. When I’m traveling anywhere I try to “see” a landscape photograph; I’m always working on my compositions. I love the “click” the camera makes when the image is captured on the digital card. The smell of the outdoors, whether its a cold, crisp Ohio winter or a hot humid summer day I love being surrounded by nature. Just as I cannot picture my life without my family, I cannot picture my life without photography.

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