Coventry PEACE Campus Chalk Festival

Coventry PEACE Campus Chalk Festival
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Date(s) - 08/20/2022
11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Coventry P.E.A.C.E. Campus



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Grab your family, friends, or
neighbors and chalk a square!

The main event happens from 11 am – 5 pm on August 20th*.

This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY, outdoor event held on the large blacktop area located between the Coventry PEACE Building and the lower playground area.

The day will also feature several FREE events –  live bands:  Cats on Holiday and No Bad Days, plus the Pekar Park Comic Festival and a showing of the movie Spiderman: No Way Home in the park at dusk!

Registration includes a reserved square/space to chalk, pastels and supplies.

-$10 for a small square (apx. 2’x2′) and 12 color box of chalk

-$20 for a large square (apx. 2’x4′) and a 24 color box of chalk


* Rain date for Chalk Fest is Sunday, Aug. 21st.