Where Clothing Meets Art Meets Life

praxis-Dark Frontier Detail

The gallery at Praxis Fiber Workshop is pleased to present Dark Frontier, a new, collaborative collection by Krista Tomorowitz. In December 2015, just six months after Praxis opened its doors, Tomorowitz debuted a conceptual, collaborative collection of clothing in an exhibition titled Rust Never Sleeps. Thirteen artists were invited to paint on rusted fabric before Tomorowitz designed and constructed thirteen unique garments. The success of this show demonstrated the power of collaboration and the excitement and accessibility for all audiences when fashion meets art.

Since 2015, Praxis has been welcomed into the larger community and our mission and purpose continues to gain focus. We have seen the success of a collaborative art space in a diverse, urban neighborhood. We have watched horizons expand when makers of different generations and backgrounds inspire each other to take new challenges. Clothing is the great textile unifier. Every person relies on clothing for warmth and shelter, as well as personal expression and cultural connection. We share the experience of clothing like we share the experience of life, and with this body of work, Tomorowitz chooses to articulate a specific point of life: new motherhood.

This collection comes at the time just after the birth of Tomorowitz’s first child. She explains, “Dark Frontier is about insomnia, waking dreams, racing thoughts, old memories, new life and the wild west of motherhood.” Beginning with black silk, artists are invited to remove color to create pattern and image on the fabric. At this point of the process, the artist cannot see their own design. Only after time and further processing does the removal reveal an illumination, both personal and decorative. Fringe is handwoven and added to the garments like historic costume detailing and poncho and cloak shapes cause the wearer to appear larger, to ward off enemies or predators.

To see this work in person is to see a poignant comparison between garments that protect and comfort the wearer, and the fierce protection a new mother has of her new world. Please join us in experiencing Dark Frontier at Praxis Fiber Workshop on December 1 from 6 to 9pm.


Opening Party 6–9pm Friday, December 1

Praxis Fiber Workshop

15301 Waterloo Road

Cleveland, Ohio 44110
