Banks and Carlson Address Gender Inequality at HEDGE Gallery

HEDGE Gallery is proud to host Don’t Be Still, a relevant exhibition presenting a film project and paintings by Cleveland artists Robert Banks and John Carlson, opening March 16.




Challenging the idea that the female is a non-equal counterpart to man, Banks and Carlson have collaborated on a series of work that boldly addresses inequality and the injustice that prevails in modern society.

The artists state:

“From a man’s perspective we feel that gender equality is not just an issue for women. Men are also stereotyped by gender roles. We believe that if society as a whole can place women and men on an equal level, the value of the female gender will increase, informing both sides of strengths, capabilities and contributions of the opposite sex. We would hope that as education on gender equality grows, there would be a decrease in the pressure individuals may feel to conform to standard ways of thinking, which often leads to oppressive behavior, abuse, and violence.”

Banks has created a series of black and white films, composed of women facing oppression in the most direct format. The women in the films have their faces covered, and no words are spoken; the only communication with the viewer is the contorted movement of strained body language as they seem to react to a struggle, pressure, or pain. Carlson’s distinctive oil paintings continue to observe the human condition and in this exhibit, address gender issues head on, where images of women in black dresses and bags over their heads struggle with conflict. His black and white palette continues, interrupted with hues of pink, perhaps suggesting his emphasis on the stereotypical color associated with femininity.

Banks and Carlson have collaborated on this project with Jeff Curtis and his band “Iron Oxide” who will be providing musical components to the films. Together the artists hope to educate viewers that gender equality is a fundamental right of every human being, regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexuality or religion.


Reception 5-9pm Friday, March 16

HEDGE Gallery

1300 West 78th Street, Suite 200

Cleveland, Ohio 44102