Terry Welker and Jenniffer Omaitz at 1point618

Works of Terry Welker

May 23 – July 25, 2014

Terry Welker’s mobiles originate from his passion for architecture, poetic space and meaningful places. Welker explains that his work comes from “my memory of a shape, rather than a direct adaptation.” It is this non-literal translation of his subject that provides the simple elegance and strength in his compositions. The mobiles push the limits of space and form, allowing those observing the motion to become unconsciously engaged in the enjoyable act of simply watching the near misses and soft collisions that occur. Welker uses curves, arcs, and lines to accomplish this.


"Lacewing," mobile by Terry Welker

“Lacewing,” mobile by Terry Welker

Jennifer Omaitz: Solid Movement

May 23 – July 25, 2014

In her artist statement, Jenniffer Omaitz says “Solid Movement is an investigation into gesture and its ability to encapsulate time and psyche, to fuse the internal and external, and to record conceptual state changes in solidified form.” Omaitz uses the fluid nature of paint to document the shift from spontaneous marks to meditated passages in her work. She is in pursuit of the conceptual and emotional changes in state, between harmony and disharmony. As the paint moves from liquid to solid, captured and recorded by the hand of the artist, it creates a new, fresh meanings and experiences for the viewer.


Nina Gibans and James Gibans

Cleveland Goes Modern

June 10 -July 8, 2014

Authors Nina and James Gibans put the spotlight on modernism in Cleveland architecture with an exhibit associated with the 2014 release of their book, Cleveland Goes Modern: Designs for the Home 1930-1970 (Kent State University Press, 2014). The book celebrates modern residential design and includes the work of Cleveland Arts Prize-winning architects.




Works of Terry Welker: May 23 – July 25, 2014

Jennifer Omaitz: Solid Movement: May 23 – July 25, 2014

opening reception Friday, May 23


Cleveland Goes Modern: June 10 -July 8, 2014

Book signing and film screening: 1-4 pm Sunday, June 22


Gallery Hours are Tuesday-Friday 11am-4pm, or by appointment.  



1point618 Gallery

6421 Detroit Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio 44102

