Kaiser Gallery Welcomes New Exhibits Featuring Cleveland Natives

Brut Carniollus, Girl and the City

Kaiser Gallery is proud to announce new exhibits featuring Cleveland natives running this fall. First, Borderlands is on view at Kaiser Gallery, opening September 9 during Walkabout Tremont and running to October 2. It is an exhibition exploring themes of the vast unknown, guest curated by Karen Petkovic of BAYarts. Petkovic is an avid believer in collaboration who actively connects with other art venues throughout the region, and participates in events and fundraising with sister organizations while promoting the mission of BAYarts.

Leigh Brooklyn, Pieta

Next is a solo exhibit by figurative artist Leigh Brooklyn on view from October 7 to November 7. Her subjects range from transgender individuals to homeless communities. Brooklyn creates artwork to raise awareness and understanding of those living in a marginalized or underrepresented society. Her meticulous creations focus on topics such as race, sex, gender, religion, and poverty.

Morgan Bukovec

Then, Kaiser Gallery welcomes Morgan Bukovec’s return from Prague with a solo exhibit on view from November 11 to December 4. Bukovec is a mixed media artist, educator, storyteller, and collector of things from Cleveland, Ohio. The exhibit will feature her cross stitch on guest checkbook series, a result of the past decade of her work in the service industry. This series is Bukovec’s effort to gain ownership over the words said to her by men, and the acknowledgment of the language that perpetuates sexism, microaggressions, and sexual harassment.

Join Kaiser Gallery for the opening receptions for these exhibitions and meet the artists during Walkabout Tremont, which takes place from 6 to 9 pm on the second Friday of each month.

Kaiser Gallery is located in Cleveland’s Tremont neighborhood at 2418 Professor Avenue. Visit ExperienceTremont.com for more information.

2418 Professor Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44113


Walkabout Tremont, 5-9 pm Friday, September 9, October 14 & November 11

Borderlands: Curated by Karen Petkovic, September 9–October 2

Tremont Arts & Cultural Festival | Noon-7pm Saturday, September 17 & Noon-5pm Sunday, September 18 in Lincoln Park

Leigh Brooklyn, October 7–November 7

Morgan Bukovec, November 11–December 4

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