University of Akron: A House is Not a Home
In response to the FRONT International 2018 theme, An American City, Emily Davis Gallery narrows its focus to a more personal lens in A House is Not a Home. The idea of “home”—whether physical space, representative objects, personal stories, or fantastical narratives—is explored by these regional artists spanning two major Rust Belt cities.
Throughout the exhibition, artists utilize found objects and appropriated imagery to emphasize community ties and cultural identity. The imagery of the “house” is treated as a symbol by other artists and used as a metaphor for familial issues or larger societal trends shared across the region. Objects in the exhibition are primarily assemblage and collage along with ceramics, painting, and prints.
Participating artists:
Amy Casey, Cleveland
Kristen Cliffel, Cleveland
Ron Copeland, Pittsburgh
Vanessa German, Pittsburgh
Ryder Henry, Pittsburgh
A chair is still a chair
Even though there’s no-one sitting there
But a chair is not a house
And a house is not a home
When there’s no one there to hold you tight
And no one there you can kiss goodnight
“A House Is Not A Home”
Lyrics by Hal David / Music by Burt Bacharach, 1964
Emily Davis Gallery is located in the Myers School of Art at The University of Akron.
University of Akron Emily Davis Gallery
150 East Exchange Street
Akron, Ohio 44325
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