Convergence/Divergence: Laila Voss and Bruce Edwards at Maria Neil Art Project

Laila Voss and Bruce Edwards share more than just their lives together as husband and wife. They also share a passion for creating incredible art – both together and separately. Laila and Bruce have frequently collaborated on work together, but they also create their own very individual work. Convergence/Divergence will present some of the similarities and differences.


Laila’s work features a series of small sculptures that are reliquaries for mundane objects. Several of them focus on Cleveland’s industrial history, while others are inspired by her residency in Prague, Czech Republic. They relate to other installations that deal with the urban environment and projects that explore mundane materials through art, memory, accumulation and juxtaposition.


Cleveland relic by Laila Voss

Cleveland relic by Laila Voss

Bruce’s prints are meant to initiate an understanding and discovery of personal memory and narrative. They are also intended to expose the nature of screen-printing, which employs a value scale with limited pallet. Each of his images is produced with only four colors, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black, a technique developed in the mid 20th century for mass production of the printed media. His work is nostalgic in many ways: the images come from a mid-century movie shot on film, a disappearing media. The still is captured by camera directly from the television and translated with a computer into a form that can be printed by hand.


The exhibition will also include a video documentation of collaborations that Bruce and Laila have done. Although they have not worked together for an exhibition or performance in a long time, they have continued to collaborate on gifts for family and friends. For this exhibition they are collaborating on a book that is a different iteration of one of those projects.


Wonder Women: Ray Caspio

Ray is an actor, performance artist and illustrator. He will be featured in the annex next to Native Cleveland with an exhibition of his drawings of some of the most memorable and entertaining women of vintage television. Get reacquainted with Laverne & Shirley, Maude, Wonder Woman, Alexis Carrington and Samantha Stephens through Ray’s intricate and fun drawings. We’ll be partnering with STAR POP vintage + modern to show toys and accessories that compliment the art on display.


Ray Caspio: June 6, 2014 – July 6, 2014

Opening Reception 5-10 pm June 6


Laila Voss & Bruce Edwards: June 27 – August 17, 2014

Opening Reception 5-10 pm July 11


Amy Casey & Cathie Bleck: September 5 – October 19, 2014

Opening Reception 5-10 pm September 5


Maria Neil Art Project

15813 Waterloo Rd

Cleveland, OH 44110


Saturdays & Sundays 12:00 to 5:00 pm

Other hours by appointment.