Kokoon Arts Gallery presents salon exhibits

We display work by all of our primary contemporary artists, offering up a variety of media and styles: ceramics by Andrea LeBlond & Donna Webb; sculpture by Charles Herndon & Gary Spinosa; prints by Karen Kunc & Ralph Woehrman; paintings by Michael Prunty, Susan Squires & Evie Zimmer; computer graphics by Michael Nekic; Sacred Geometry paintings & prints by Charles Gilchrist; photography by William G. Scheele.


Natural History subjects are also prominent, with prints, paintings & sculpture by Charles R. Knight, Robert Hainard, William E. Scheele, Larry Isard, Mary Wawrytko & Mauricio Anton. 

Dragon Vase, by Donna Webb

Dragon Vase, by Donna Webb

Regional historic art is represented by Kokoon Arts Club memorabilia and Cleveland School artists William Sommer, Henry Keller, Frank Wilcox, and Paul Travis. 

Fleur, by Andrea LeBlond

Fleur, by Andrea LeBlond



Kokoon Arts Gallery

1305 West 80th Street

Cleveland, Ohio 44102




Wind Rush, by Karen Kunc

Wind Rush, by Karen Kunc



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